About HMG Physiotherapy Clinic, Waltham Abbey Essex

hmg-mainimage-physio-waltham-abbey-essexHMG Physiotherapy Clinic is a centre of excellence for injury treatments.

At the clinic we offer a wide range of treatment options and treat a variety of pathologies from sports-related injuries and age-related changes in the muscle and skeletal system leading to pain that occur in everyday life.

We aim to provide a tailored rehabilitation programme that address your needs which is designed to promote recovery in the safest and most efficient way possible.

The clinic provides private treatment room, an open plan exercise area for exercise therapy with treatment provided by experienced chartered HCPC registered physiotherapist who are experts in diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal pathologies; our team have a wealth of experience treating a variety of conditions from high level athletes through to elderly patients in the community.

The clinic is easily accessible with entrances in the front from Farm Hill Road and with two allocated patient parking spaces in Howard Business Park, at the rear.

HMG Physiotherapy Clinic offers services to both private and insured patients to reduce waiting times and improve efficiency and service provision.

We pride ourselves in the provision of evidence-based rehabilitation options with the necessary clinical expertise to provide a holistic approach to care.